
A blog about a couch-potatoe, becoming a runner, becoming a trailrunner... Talking about races, equipment, sharing my runs and experiences on the trail.

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Trailpics #2

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Trailpics #1

Trying to upload more pics here 😊 Overlay created with GPXOverlay

Navigation on the Trails

For a long time I rather was not thinking about navigation: on the streets, there is no need to: but on the trails this is something else… My first approach was quite simple: you have a phone anyways with you,… Continue Reading →

Running in the Heat

If the thermometer is rising above 29°C, it’s getting harder to do anything outside and it’s even getting more dangerous… But what can you do to avoid taking unneccesairy risks and still have fun outside? Drink alot!This sounds obvious, but… Continue Reading →


As I really like to share my photos from the trail and provide some infos alongside them, I’ve tried out lots of tools and apps for this. Unfortunately none of them did everything in a way I liked: so I… Continue Reading →

Trailrunning: WHY?

Some friends I often met running with, started to get more and more on the trails rather than the street: so I also wanted to check it out. There was already a Facebook-group, dedicated to go trailrunning together and I… Continue Reading →

Where to Start?

Yes, this blog is rather new, but I’m not 😉 I’ve been running for the past couple of years and did the classical “There is more” approach. What does this mean? 12 years ago, I started in my first race… Continue Reading →


Hi, my name is Max and welcome to a new blog of mine only concerning running and trailrunning. I’d like to post some impressions and toughts about running and expectially trailrunning here and would love to know what you think… Continue Reading →

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